3D Coca-Cola Can

3D Coca-Cola Can. 30 min project

It always great to have some cold can of Coca-Cola at a hot summer day, isn’t it?

1. Create this shape. Not hard, eh?
2. Apply Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur. Quite amount
3. After applying Adjust -> Threshold it looked like this. Create Path based on this shape. Correct it, if needed. Duplicate shape, flip and connect left and right sides to assemble the bottle shape.
4. Apply Layer Styles okg-01.asl to bottle and bottle “mouth piece”, as well as vine shape(download the styles from HERE ). After Copy Merge apply Layer Style to bottle another time(just switch sides and make it more blured)
5. Use images for opacity map and lable(or create it from scratch, as I did), create cork shape.
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